Why Teeth Turn Yellow And Pigmented?

Teeth are a basic part of our personality. When a person smiles he looks more beautiful. For keeping teeth more beautiful and attractive people try so many things. They brush and floss daily to make their smile more attractive with beautiful teeth because white and healthy teeth make any one’s personality brighter. On the other hand, some people have yellow colour teeth. This makes their personality-less sparkling. People try to use so many different things to make their teeth whiter but all in vain. In this situation, they contact any dentist for their beautiful teeth whitening Canberra. Almost 90% of the patients demands whiter teeth.

Reasons for colour changing:

Teeth change their colour due to so many reasons. They may be turned yellow genetically but so many other reasons which turn the colour of teeth.


Drinks like coffee, tea and alcohol have a high rate of pigmentation. People who consume a lot of drinks have yellow and pale coloured teeth. These drinks make another layer of yellow colour on white teeth due to which they look pale and yellow.

Excess use of tobacco:

People who use tobacco also have colour teeth because tobacco has chemicals in it. Chemicals like tar and nicotine have stubborn stains because they are naturally dark coloured chemicals. When these chemicals mix with the oxygen they change their colour into a yellowish stain and after having a tobacco person who is consuming it, will face the yellow and pale colour of teeth.


People who use medicines daily due to some problems they also have yellow and pale teeth. High blood pressure can also give pale colour to the teeth. Sometimes these stains develop due to the presence of doxycycline in their body. It may be due to some antibiotics or may be due to the mother who took them during the pregnancy.

Trauma and age:

In this colour changing, age matters a lot. With the age or time, the outer white layer of the teeth shed off due to which the colour of teeth turns yellow and after so much brushing it looks more yellow and pale.Same in the case of injury, sometimes an injury happens in the mouth due to which people cannot brush their teeth and the medicines effect directly to the outer layer of the teeth. This makes the colour of teeth more yellow.

What to do:

• In this situation when teeth turn yellow with pigments there is the only solution, go to the dentist and ask him to brighten teeth once again. Teeth’s whitening is the only solution to make these pigmented teeth attractive and beautiful. Looking for a professional and licensed dentist you can see this page and they can help you to achieve your teeth goal.

• Try to contact an experienced dentist who will guide you all according to your needs and demands. An experienced dentist will help you in making your smile beautiful and attractive again.

• This process only takes one seating or two but it will give you confidence, and groom your personality as you want.