Home Remedies That Will Help Hide Burns

Whether it’s your first time in the kitchen, after you’ve resorted to cook a meal after realizing your bank balance is enough to help you live on water, and you did manage to make pancakes without putting the kitchen on fire but ended up with a few fat burns on your skin that’s annoying and painful and more importantly drastically unpleasant to look at. Or maybe you just tried to help mom in the kitchen to boil water, and ended up with a burn. What a quick natural home remedy that you can always rely on to hide these nasty brown marks? Read below to find out.

Treat It with a Toothpaste.

Toothpastes these days are not as promising as they are on adverts, and may not help you give a toothy smile every time you visit chiropractor from First Hand Health, but guess what? They work well with Burns. Whether you keep one in your bathroom or not, make sure to store it in a container in the kitchen, and whenever something hot splashes on your skin or you hold a hot tray without a cloth, just hold the scalded area in running water, dry it and cover it with a bit of toothpaste.

Vanilla All the Way.

If you’re a burn expert like me who loves baking but also gets a burn every month without failing, then vanilla extract is going to help you not only whip delicious buttercream cakes, but also treat agitating minor burns that somehow get in the way. A few drops of vanilla extract on a wad of cotton will help you heal a burn without any blisters or skin peal but just a patch of darker skin.

Avoid Sun Exposure.

Whether you’re considering a bike ride under the sun or a trip to chiropractor East Gosford, make sure to wear clothing that covers the burnt area, to reduce the exposure to the sun. Burnt skin is super sensitive to the sun and can take longer to heal if directly exposed. So if you’re out and about, make sure under the shade, thereby reducing your chances of deepening the burn or increasing the pain. In fact, sun sensitivity after burn injuries can last for a year or even beyond in some cases.

Ginger and Tea, a Go-To.

Ginger which is used to add flavour to many delectable dishes, and an effective home remedy for a lot of things from sore throats to a stuffed nose, also works to heal burns. Simply cut the end a piece of ginger press the exposed area against a burn. But if you haven’t got ginger around, no worries, just reach out for the tea container, and place cool wet tea bag, on the exposed are and bam you’ll find yourself relived sooner than you thought.